HOW EXACTLY TO Create Old Grudge Style Print Ready Business Card

HOW EXACTLY TO Create Old Grudge Style Print Ready Business Card

The quickest way to start a site exactly like this one is to get yourself a premium Magazine WordPress Theme. It will save you a lot of time. Today i will guide and help you to create an awesome old grudged business card in photoshop which is fully print ready with full bleed. How big is the business credit card we’ll be creating is standard US size of 3.5 X 2 inch.

I’ll show you some techniques for working swiftly for any design you do in future and i promise you’ll learn something new in the guide. Before we start you are needed by me to download the following documents if you don’t already have them in your computer. This will be needed in the look process.

Download the Business Card (Bleed Ready) Template. I have created this for your convenience, you can use this in virtually any future design you’ll be doing. Let me go through the template first. Size 3.75×2.25 – The extra 0.25 inches are used for the bleed. While printing the entire bleed process will cut the excess bits away. The Template is print ready with 300dpi resolution and CMYK colour. I’d recommend you pull the plug on the guides for the present time so that people can browse the uncluttered design.

We’ll be creating the bare background first. Create a new level and add gradient as shown below. Next we have to add slight sound using filters. Add Noise, Amount: 2.45%, Distribution: Gaussian, Select Monochromatic. Assuming that you know the basics of pen tool create 3 designs top of each other following image below. If you don’t know to use pen tool, go for pen tool and click on 4 edges just, follow the images below. Create the forms in 3 different layers one above other. Right Click on the text layer and choose convert to smart object. If you work with lower versions of photoshop and don’t have this program please rasterize the layer by right clicking and selecting rastarize level.

We need to do this to give the written text the stream of the designs. Now this part is relatively difficult and may require retries. Press ALT type in the keyboard and drag the corners of the transform box to the edge of the shape. You might want to try decreasing the height of the written text before accomplishing this.

  1. Dependent lists
  2. 17:27 – Tools
  3. Auto Glass
  4. Choose the right communication method with your customers

ALT and and choose one corner and move it towards inside to lower the text size. Then drag the text little down and readjust the corners pressing ALT until you come up with something shown below. Follow the same steps for the other texts too. Several retries will provide you with the needed result.

For the other texts i’ve use Calibri font. In this right part we’ll look about how we can give the card a old paper type feel. This right part is not so tough, this is actually the relax part. I hope you have downloaded the Tough Natural Paper Consistency already. T to lower its width and height to 58%. Make certain its on top of all layers.

And try experimenting until you get a good feeling of the paper texture. Now we’ll add a burnt edge effect. For this first create a new layer and stick it above all layers. It with black Fill. Now select the Rectangular Marquee Tool, change feather to 20px on the top.

Draw a box as shown on image below and press delete. Deselect it and change opacity 62% and mixing to linear burn off. U and follow configurations shown below. Now Insert a fresh layer above all levels, make brush colour dark and below draw something which resembles. Change Blending to softlight and opacity to 53% and congrats your Business card is ready.

As always for your convenience i’ve provided the download hyperlink for the completed PSD file below free of charge. If you don’t want to debate this steps and want to modify the text and print out your card you are able to do so by selecting the text layer and clicking Edit Contents.